Frequently Asked Questions
What primary services do you offer?
Assisting Seniors with Their Personal Needs to Remain Independent
What do you specialize in?
Meal Preparation, Meal Planning, Mind Games, Errands, and Transportation. Every Customer has an assessment to see if the customers needs are a good fit for us.
What are the rates of your services?
Every Customer has specific needs and requirements for our personal assistant. During the FREE In-House Assessment, an itinerary and compensation plan will be established to suit your needs. MOST Plans are 35.00-50.00 per hr.
How does your Meal Planning & Meal Preparation Work?
Together, we plan healthy and nutritious meals for the week that are homemade and ready to heat up. When we are there, cooking lessons and education are a wonderful way to spend time together.
What are your terms and conditions?
12 Hours Per Week MINIMUM